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Handling Tarantula

Tarantula Diet : Dari A Sampai Z

Feeding should not be an issue at all. The G.pulchripes eats very well with females eating ravenously anything thrown their way, males tend to not eat as much. A steady feeding of large crickets, roaches and locusts should be just fine. Remember to never feed your tarantula something bigger than its size as this might end up injuring your tarantula when it’s trying to take down its prey.

Tips Cara Memilih Tarantula Pertamamu

Kode Angka Pada Tarantula

Gigitan Tarantula : Pencegahan dan Penanganan

Treating Bites and Flicked Hairs:

Tarantulas will rarely bite. Their common order of defense is to: run away, then flick hairs, then go on a threat posture and will bite as a last resort. Generally, tarantula bites will not send you to the hospital unless you are allergic to their venom. A bite will cause some irritation, numbness and pain for a few hours up to a day or two. Tarantula venom may be insignificant but tarantula bites still hurt due to mechanical damage. Tarantula venom is only lethal in most “old world” tarantulas. Don’t give your tarantula any reason to bite you. Tarantula venoms are mainly neurotoxic enzymes mixed with digestive enzymes.

Tarantulas have two different types of bites. Dry and wet. Dry bites are bites that don’t carry venom while wet bites are bites spiked with venom. Venom is an expensive biological weapon, it takes lots of energy and time to make and therefore only used in the most dire of circumstances. A threatened tarantula will bite and inject venom while a bite intended for eating will most likely lack venom, unless if the prey is struggling too hard.

Flicked urticating hair or bristles can cause minor itching and irritation on your skin. You can use an adhesive tape to remove most of the hair before washing your skin with soap and water. If flicked hair gets into your eyes, nose or mouth, it might get very irritating. Wash the affected area thoroughly with water. Call a doctor if irritation persists.

Musuh Tarantula Tarantula No #1