Tarantula Molting / Pergantian Kulit

Tarantulas are arthropods thus they undergo a process called molting. As a tarantula grows they need to rid themselves of their old and tightening exoskeleton in order to grow. As the tarantula grows larger it will shed less often. This is a very critical state since after your tarantula molts it will be defenseless because their exoskeleton and their fangs are soft and needs time to harden. Handling a tarantula in pre-molt and post-molt is also highly discouraged. Wait for a week after your tarantula molts.

Pre-molt is recognizable when your tarantula’s color is getting dull and a black patch is visible on the back of its abdomen. During this state, your tarantula is most likely to refuse meals as they are growing new fangs (tarantulas will shed everything, including their fangs). They will refuse to eat for a week up to a few months depending on their size. This is normal.

During a pre-molt, your tarantula might be somewhat irritable, it is best to leave it alone. Just be sure that you provide it with plenty of water as this is their only source of sustenance. It is also important not to handle your tarantula while it is in a pre and post molt stage. This is because your tarantula needs all the energy it can to successfully molt and to recover from a molt. Handling your tarantula in a pre or post molt stage will only expend precious energy it needs to molt and recover.


When your tarantula is finally molting, you may find it flipped on its back or on its side. Most people will assume that the tarantula is dead; in fact it is ready to molt. Do not disturb it; you don’t even want to be in that room. Increasing humidity (if you have a humidifier) is highly recommended.


After your tarantula molts, leave it alone for a week (for smaller specimens) up to 2 weeks (for adult specimens) for its exoskeleton and fangs to harden, do not even feed it. You will also notice that it will spend its days of recovery stretching. Do not disturb it. Just be sure that you supply it with plenty of water.

Molts should be taken out immediately to avoid mold


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